Friday, November 27, 2009

How copywriting can make or break an online business

by Kevin Thomas

A great variety of factors are weaved into the success or failure of a internet business. You could even make a credible case that there are a significantly higher number of factors that need to be weighed for an online business as opposed to a traditional brick and mortar one.

Yes, the online environment is one that is exceedingly different and that means a different approach will be required. You need to stay above all the trends, boost search engine rankings, and then convert all those visitors into paying customers. Mastering these factors will all play a huge role in your potential success. That is why mastering them is so important.

However, if there was one key to success many overlook when it comes to an online business, it would be the ability to be good at copy writing.

Copy writing is often used a bit too loosely as a descriptive term and this greatly undermines the ability to truly understand it. Some believe that copy writing refers to little more than putting content on a website.

As if!

No, copy writing embodies a strong psychological marketing approach designed to guide people into making specific decisions. When you have solid copy writing on a website, you can boost conversions by making people opt to perform certain decisions thanks to the way they have been engaged into the process. Is that not what the business owner intends.

Content along the lines of reviews, testimonials or product and service details are designed to be informative, helpful secondary information that people seek out of interest. On its own, it is not intended to sell anything directly. At best, it is designed to make a minor soft-sell through presenting people more confidence in what the business may be offering.

It can also achieve this by merely informing them so that they will be able to make an accurate judgment based on their interest.

With copy writing, there is a much more direct push for a sale made. It does a lot more than “just” inform people of the product and it certainly is a lot stronger than merely hinting at an approach to take an action. Rather, copy writing specifically tells people what they should do.

There will also be clear and obvious encouragement for specific actions when using copy writing. This will allow people to make an immediate action without ever having to lose customers to complacency, forgetfulness or competition from other businesses.

There are a great many business owners that take a complete hands off approach and think people will figure their business plan out and then make the decisions needed to become customers. To say this is a bad idea would be a severe understatement. In fact, it is a complete and total fundamental misunderstanding of how things work in online businesses.

Poorly designed websites will not lead to good sales. The same can be said of any website that embodies awful copy writing.

Copy writing can prove to be the clear link between a product or service and consumer or prospect. Copy writing can bring the two together and present everything out in the open. You can either hope that a soft-sell approach delivers enough to get the job done, or you can seek out sales in an active manner through copy writing.

Such writing delivers the effective difference between passively watching a prospect walk out the door vs. convincing the prospect to make the person an offer that can’t be refused. As the owner of an online business you need to highlight all of the business’ strengths and benefits. Copy writing is the means in which you can do this and the end result will be more sales and conversions.

Most individuals embody a short attention span and this creates the requirement that they need all things laid out directly in from of them.

When I buy a product, what exactly is it that I would be receiving? Is there a reason that I should buy your product instead of some other company’s wares? What exactly are the benefits with working in association with your organization? If I take action immediately, what do I get in return? What is it that I will I be missing if I opt not to make this purchase?

These are the common questions that people will seek answers to. This is what copy writing has the potential to deliver.

The bottom line here is that copy writing has the potential to make or break an online business. Without high quality copy writing, a website will not stand out from the crowd. But with proper copy writing, the ability to effectively and quickly convince and convert customers is likely and this will bring in a great deal more sales.

A proprietor can either hope that a hands-off, soft-sell approach works or the proprietor can seize the reins and pull the sales in with copy writing. The right choice is obvious...

Kevin Thomas is a traditional and online entrepreneur who is teaching people how to establish businesses online using effective copy writing skills at the The Carbon Copy Pro Times.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Online business is a serious commitment that all entrepreneurs should consider. However, they must be cautious of the negatives and risks of the Internet. The Internet is fraught with get rich quick schemes. It is also overflowing with misleading business building hype and flat out work from home lies.